Sunday, January 24, 2021

The New Motor Glider Winter Project Part 3

 With the snow cleared from my driveway this morning and another project sitting on my work table in my shop I thought it best that I get this last posting out to show you how my new motor glider project turned out.  So here you go.

With a lot of sanding and priming over and over again of the fuselage, I was more than happy to finally put the last coat of primer on and look as smooth as it does above.

With a bit of 3D printing I was able to get a very smooth looking nose for the fuselage as well.  Again the effort to smooth everything out has paid off.

Finally some color on the fuselage! The paint looks glass smooth and I am really happy it turned out as well as it did.  I laid down three coats of paint and then another three coats of clear.  The last photo above shows the nice mirror finish.  Since the plane will be belly landed I thought it best to lay down the clear coats to help protect the paint. 

With the canopy now smoothed out and painted gloss black it fits very well into the fuselage.  A nice look for the new plane.

With the addition of the folding prop I am really looking forward to getting this plane up in the air and into glide mode.  The motor for the plane is also set up with a motor brake so that I will be sure that the prop will stop when I throttle back to let the prop fold back as shown above. 

With the wing being seven feet long I need to bring it into my living room to get the photos you see above. Also with the new graphics that I worked out for the plane it will be easy enough to see it in the air and will be a looker even when it is on the ground.  

Since I put some nice graphics on the top of the wing I thought I might as well do something fun on the bottom surface as well. 

Other than having to balance the new motor glider everything else has been connected, tested, and ready to go. Total weight of the plane ready to fly comes in at 2 1/2 pounds.  Happy with that.

 Spring cannot get here soon enough for me to do the maiden flight.  Hope you like how the plane turned out as much as I do.  

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The New Motor Glider Winter Project Part 3

 With the snow cleared from my driveway this morning and another project sitting on my work table in my shop I thought it best that I get th...