Sunday, September 6, 2020

Perfect Saturday Flying Weather!

 Hello Everyone!  Today's post is just a quick one but as usual it has something interesting to see as well as read about.  The flying club yesterday morning had a great turnout for our monthly meeting and with it perfect weather to do some flying as well.  

Almost all of the members of the flying club attended the meeting and most of them brought new planes that I had not seen before.  I tried my hand at capturing some more video of the flying once again of the get-together.  This is no small task as some of our pilots were much faster and farther away from me as I filmed. But I did manage to piece together a fairly good video of Dan Schmidt and his  FMS-330SC aerobatic sport plane.  

Dan has been flying since he was quite young and his expertise shows with the video that I managed to capture.  The 330SC has a wingspan of 5 1/2 foot and weighs right around five or six pounds. A real beauty to say the least.    

Here's the latest video that I shot of Dan's 330SC.  Once the video starts select the YouTube icon to see the video full screen on your computer.

Along with the meeting and all of the planes flying I was asked to add a very special photo to the blog this week of our youngest member Isabell.  There was enough of a breeze blowing so she just had to get a kite in the air.

Isabell I can only guess is around 2 years old and the kite looks to be almost bigger than she is.  She was enjoying the morning sun like everyone else on the flying field.

And lastly for this post I had to include one of our favorite beings that grace our flying field. Lola!

Lola I would consider to be our unofficial mascot.  A lovable pooch always ready to have her ears or back scratched or to sniff out nearby cookies.

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