Sunday, August 23, 2020

Some Fun Entertainment At The Flying Field!

 Over this past weekend I was treated to some real RC flying entertainment.  This was a real treat for me as I am usually alone in the evenings doing my own flying as most of you have already seen in a couple of earlier posts.  

This weekend Roger Frett and "Doc" were at the field in the morning so I thought I would go over and see them fly and possibly fly my motor glider if the field was not to wet with the morning dew.  I was not so lucky as the grass was wet as could be and having only my foam core motor glider I did not want to try and land it on wet grass.  It would surely be ruined in the process. 

Luckily I had brought along my camera and was able to get photos of Doc flying one of his motor gliders and Roger with his quad copter. In both cases this was something I had never seen before. 

Here Doc showed me the best way to fly.  In reclining mode in the shade works for me! Doc was at the controls flying one of his good sized motor gliders.  Roger in the background was also enjoying watching Doc's expertise while flying. 

With Doc's motor glider smoothly and slowly flying over the field I had no real problem in getting several good photos of it.  With the motor glider being able to shut down and fold it's propeller to the rear Doc was able to put the plane into full glider mode and catch some thermals.  I asked him how long he could fly and he said that to fly for 30 minutes was not impossible.  Even longer if he shut down and caught thermals all day.  

Here Doc shows off the size of his motor glider.  It's all foam construction makes it a very light and efficient RC plane for sure. 

Roger had also brought a plane to the field but had an issue with the rudder that needed to be worked out.  Rather than not fly at all he had also brought along his quad copter and checked it out for a short flight. I was surprised at how quiet it was.  I had heard quad copters online flying and Roger's was far from loud.  A nice thing to watch and hear at the same time. 

I did not want to fly with a wet field so I planned on flying later in the evening when I knew the field would be dried out. I arrived at the field around 7:00 pm and found out that several new members had joined out club!  Great new to be sure.  

Doc was at the field once again and had decided to fly his 1/4 scale Waco biplane. An amazing looking plane to say the least. 

Here Doc preps the big Waco for flight.  He spun the prop only a couple of times and the big 70cc twin cylinder motor came to life.  

I was lucky to get this shot of the Waco as it flew over the field.  Being a whole lot faster than the motor glider getting this photo was pure luck on my part. But I am happy just the same that I was able to get it. 

With the sun going down for the day taking this shot of the Waco was much easier to accomplish.  A perfect sunset with a perfect looking plane.

But this was not the end of what I had gotten to see while I was on the field this past Saturday.  I had said earlier that I had some real entertainment and I was not disappointed.  With a couple of new members joining the fun on the field I got to see an electric 110 mph RC jet, an electric P-38 Lighting, and another even larger motor glider than the first one Doc had flown earlier in the day.  

The P-38 was a treat to see fly.  I was only able to get these photos of the plane as I was flying my motor glider at the same time the P-38 was in the air.  My motor glider was puttering along at 15 or 20 mph and the P-38 was passing me like I was going in reverse.  Still fun to watch though no matter what. 

Lastly but not to be left out of the list of planes that flew this weekend Doc had put up this even larger motor glider while I was drooling on the edge of the field.  Another slick looking motor glider with a wingspan which looked to be close to seven feet in length.  

I was happy to have had the chance to see this wide variety RC planes fly at the field.  I look forward to the next get-together and the chance to get to know our newest members to discuss flying stories, planes, and building tech.  A very rewarding time on the field to be sure. 

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